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Capacity Building

Khmer Ocean Life aims to build research and conservation capacity in Cambodia. So far, two internships have been secured for Khmer marine mammal scientists to join overseas projects to gain knowledge and experience. 


Pictured below left: Lokkaman El joined the MareCet team in Malaysia for two weeks for the project Matang Dolphin Research in Perak. He gained valuable fieldwork experience and saw many species of marine mammals for the first time. These skills have helped him excel as Project Assistant at Khmer Ocean Life, especially for ecological research.


Pictured below right: Chhayhy Heng joined Sarasota Dolphin Project in Florida, USA for three months, gaining both fieldwork and office experience of marine mammal research. He is now working as manager for the Cambodian Marine Mammal Bycatch and Stranding Network (CMMBSN) at KOL.

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